Our Mission
A Doorway to Hope provides temporary, emergency assistance for the working poor in Southwest Wake County. The goal of our experienced staff is to return families in need to self-sufficiency.
A hand up, not a hand out
We do not subsidize income, rather we assist working families in crisis to meet their immediate need, returning them to a state of self sufficiency. Through Crisis Ministry and several programs, we are able to help families through their crisis with rent and utility support, food, clothing, furniture, child care assistance, essentials baskets, and much more.
Sometimes all that is needed is a little help, giving someone hope.
real stories
Bringing positive change to our community
DISCOVER Our impact
We believe if we truly want to affect the outlook and conditions for the working poor in our community, we must actively engage in dialog and work together with other community leaders. We are honored to have representation at the following committees:
Western Region Community Advocacy Committee
Hispanic Outreach Committee of the Western Region